Juf Julia
Dutch Online for foreign children / Group lessons, from 5 y.o (*)
(Group from 2 children)
Lessons duration: 30 or 45 minutes
Through Zoom.
Once per week lesson.
The placement in a level/group will be defined by your kids age, knowledge, level and language skills.
Contact Juf Julia on info@jufjulia.com or on 0624167210 for more detailed information.
And, twice to three times a year: Events! Free for Juf Julia's enrolled students😀
Practice Dutch with Juf Julia: Check out events on Juf Julia's Facebook page @learnwithjufjulia or contact Juf Julia on info@jufjulia.com or on 0624167210 for more information
(*) Enrollment at age 5 only possible under Juf Julia's strict parameters and conditions.
When offering Online lessons to our children, we are also preparing them for the future! ​
When offering Online lessons to our children, we are also preparing them for the future! ​
Available days:
From Mondays to Fridays
Contact via e-mail (info@jufjulia.com), Online form, WhatsApp (0624167210) or
Facebook Messenger Chat (@learnwithjufjulia) for more information about available levels/days/times
At Juf Julia's, these are the levels/groups:
Puppies: 5* to 6 years old
Ferrets: 6 to 8 years old
Cats: 8 to 10 years old and
Owls: 10 to 12 years old
(*) Enrollment at age 5 only possible under Juf Julia's strict parameters and conditions.
Lesson duration and modalities:
30 minutes:
4 weeks/monthly subscription. Contact Juf Julia for more detailed fare information. Terms and conditions apply.
45 minutes:
4 weeks/monthly subscription. Contact Juf Julia for more detailed fare information. Terms and conditions apply.